Alicia’s Story | Alzheimer Society
Film series & integrated impact campaign. Building knowledge, understanding, and awareness of Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease and its impact on us all.
This campaign focuses on the demands of caregiving and the impact Alzheimer’s disease has physically, emotionally, and financially on all family members. The Alzheimer Society urges Canadians to stand with them to find a cure for dementia and support families who are on the front lines of this disease.
With Alicia’s Story, Alicia and her family help us understand what a family grapples with when the light of recognition fades in the eyes of a loved one who has Alzheimer’s disease. Through verité and participatory storytelling, we take viewers on a truly intimate journey. We see family members pushing the boundaries of their knowledge, ability, love, and compassion to care for their loved ones. We meet caregivers on the front lines who are providing intimate care and putting themselves and their own families at risk to help the most vulnerable in our communities.
Deliverables: Research, strategic planning, documentary film framework to guide script writing, art direction, storyboarding, location scouting, shooting, music selections, graphic overlays, and editing; multi-tiered campaign; partner presentations; print/digital campaign development.